At Bruce Power, a major milestone was reached in the Unit 3 Major Component Replacement (MCR) project, as a massive steam drum was successfully positioned above a series of newly installed steam generators. With this achievement, all eight steam generators have now been fully installed as part of the ongoing Life-Extension Program and MCR project at the site.
The Steam Generator Replacement Team (SGRT), a joint venture between Aecon and SGT (which consists of Framatome Canada Ltd. and United Canadian Operations Ltd.), has worked closely with Bruce Power to carry out the intricate task of removing the original 100-tonne steam generators and replacing them with new ones. The process involved lifting the heavy old steam generators through the roof of the facility and carefully installing the new ones in their place.
Aaron Johnson, Senior Vice-President of Nuclear at Aecon Group Inc., expressed pride in the team’s success, stating, “This significant milestone showcases the outstanding performance of our team in safely replacing the steam generators, adhering to timelines, and maintaining the highest quality standards on the Bruce MCR Project.” He emphasized the role of Aecon as a key partner in this project, not only supporting the nuclear industry but also contributing to job creation, economic growth, and further strengthening Ontario’s nuclear supply chain.
SGRT’s responsibilities in this steam generator replacement initiative include a wide range of tasks, from engineering and planning to the removal of the old generators and installation of the new ones. They also handle construction management, procurement of materials, and oversee other construction-related activities.
In addition to their work on Unit 3, SGRT previously completed the steam generator replacement on Unit 6, which successfully reconnected to Ontario’s electricity grid in September 2023. The Unit 3 MCR outage, which began in 2023, is proceeding as planned, with the goal of having the renewed unit back in service by 2026.
Rob Hoare, Vice-President of MCR Execution at Bruce Power, noted that the project required extensive planning, stating, “This was a massive undertaking that involved more than a year-and-a-half of careful planning before we could move into the execution phase. Thanks to an incredibly high level of collaboration, we were able to execute the project safely and successfully.”
Looking ahead, SGRT was awarded a significant $700 million contract in August 2024 to replace the steam generators in Units 5, 7, and 8. Additionally, Aecon is currently working on fuel channel and feeder replacement tasks across all six units at Bruce Power as part of its ongoing collaboration with the Shoreline Power Group joint venture.
The Bruce MCR Project is a critical part of extending the life of the Bruce Power facility, ensuring its operation until at least 2064 and continuing its vital contribution to Ontario’s energy grid.