Nova Scotia’s highways, bridges, and ferry services are set to benefit from increased funding.

The Government of Nova Scotia has unveiled its five-year highway improvement plan, allocating over $500 million for 2025-26 to fund major highway projects, repaving, bridge replacements, and infrastructure maintenance. The plan highlights two new significant projects: the Port Hastings intersection in Inverness County and the addition of passing lanes between exits 18 and 19 (Lake […]
Requests for Proposals (RFPs) have been released for the design of the central and eastern segments of the Bradford Bypass.

The Ontario government has issued two requests for proposals (RFPs) aimed at completing the detailed design work for the central and eastern sections of the Bradford Bypass. These proposals cover the stretch of road running from Simcoe County Road 4 in the west to Highway 404 in the east. The scope of work for these […]